Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to print a label for USPS flat rate box if i don't know the weight

This drove me crazy this morning so I had to post this. I thought it would be convient to skip the line and print postage online. Wrong.  Even if you don't know the weight and are using a flat rate box you need to put in a weight to get through this screen. I was so sure I was on the wrong page for 10 min until i figured out it is just a dumb form. You must enter a made up weight if you don't know the weight. Stupid. I have done the post office a favor and fixed the form below. Go here to have fun with this form.

1 comment:

  1. You’ll be presented with a form that will ask you to provide a name (Page title) for your page and its URL address. The name can be whatever you wish as long as it makes sense.Impresion de etiquetas en fibra de coco


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