Post in progress. Please suggest more videos!
NOVA: Cuttlefish - Kings of Camouflage
The clear winner. Interesting with more then amazing footage. Discussion of the amazing flambouyant cuttlefish, squid mating, mechanism of color change.
Free to amazon prime members:
Scary Squid, Octopuses, And Other Cephalopods
a very quick survey of all the cephalopods.
Netflix Instant:
colossal squid/squid invasion- Leads with the almost unwatchable Colossal Squid with dull CGI and a frozen squid the second episode, squid invasion, all about Humboldt squid is just spectacular
TED (free):
David Gallo: underwater astonishments
quick video with camouflage tricks, half and half squid coloration, fighting squid
Hooked By Octopus
mostly a video about conservation but still with some good footage